Source code for xpybuild.utils.compilers

# xpyBuild - eXtensible Python-based Build System
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# $Id: 301527 2017-02-06 15:31:43Z matj $

Support classes for the C/C++ native compiler chain, used by the `xpybuild.targets.native` module. 

import os, re, logging, time, traceback

from xpybuild.buildcommon import *
from xpybuild.utils.buildexceptions import BuildException
from xpybuild.utils.process import call
from xpybuild.utils.fileutils import cached_isdir
from xpybuild.utils.outputhandler import ProcessOutputHandler
from xpybuild.propertysupport import defineOption

[docs]class Process(object): """ Parent type for compiler/tool chain process classes, contain helper method for calling the compiler process """ def __init__(self, environs=None): self.environs = environs or {}
[docs] def getExpandedEnvirons(self, context, environs=None): """ Return the environment variables to be used for this process, either passed explicitly into this method, or passed into the constructor, or else empty. Any ${...} substitution vars are expanded automatically. """ environs = environs or self.environs or {} environs = environs.copy() for k in environs: environs[k] = context.expandPropertyValues(environs[k]) return environs
def call(self, context, args, outputHandler, options, cwd=None, environs=None): try: args = flatten([context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in args]) try: outputHandlerInstance=outputHandler(os.path.basename(args[0]), options=options) except Exception as e: # backwards compatibility for output handlers that don't pass kwargs down outputHandlerInstance = outputHandler(os.path.basename(args[0])) call(args, outputHandler=outputHandlerInstance, cwd=cwd, env=self.getExpandedEnvirons(context, environs), timeout=options['process.timeout']) except BuildException as e: # causedBy is not useful here raise BuildException("%s process failed" % (os.path.basename(args[0])), causedBy=True)
_logger = logging.getLogger('compilers') def _checkDirExists(dirpath, message): if not cached_isdir(dirpath): _logger.debug(message, dirpath) # legitimate but useful for debugging return dirpath
[docs]class Compiler(Process): """ A compiler (of some sort or other) """ def __init__(self, environs=None): Process.__init__(self, environs=environs)
[docs] def compile(self, context, output, src, options, flags=None, includes=None): """ output: The object file to create src: A list of source file paths options: an options dictionary to override global options flags: additional flags to pass to the compiler includes: a list of include directory paths """ assert False
[docs]class Depends(Process): """ The command to use to generate a list of dependencies from a list of source files """ def __init__(self, environs=None): Process.__init__(self, environs=environs)
[docs] def depends(self, context, src, options, flags=None, includes=None): """ src: A list of source file paths options: an options dictionary to override global options flags: additional flags to pass to the compiler includes: a list of include directory paths """ assert False
[docs]class Linker(Process): """ Link a set of object files into an executable or a shared library """ def __init__(self, environs=None): Process.__init__(self, environs=environs)
[docs]class Archiver(Process): """ A tool to put a set of object files into an archive for static linking. Typically only used on unix. """ def __init__(self, environs=None): Process.__init__(self, environs=environs)
[docs] def archive(self, context, output, src, options): """ output: The archive file path to create src: A list of source object file paths options: an options dictionary to override global options """ assert False
[docs]class ToolChain(object): """ A collection of compilers, linkers and other tools which represents a complete native tool chain """ def __init__(self, depends, ccompiler, cxxcompiler, linker, archiver): """ depends: A Depends object to get a list of dependencies from a list of source files ccompiler: A Compiler object for compiling C files cxxcompiler: A Compiler object for compiling C++ files linker: A Linker object for linking object files to a shared library or executable archiver: An Archiver object for making static-link archives """ assert isinstance(depends, Depends) or depends == None self.dependencies = depends assert isinstance(ccompiler, Compiler) or ccompiler == None self.ccompiler = ccompiler assert isinstance(cxxcompiler, Compiler) or cxxcompiler == None self.cxxcompiler = cxxcompiler assert isinstance(linker, Linker) or linker == None self.linker = linker assert IS_WINDOWS or isinstance(archiver, Archiver) or archiver == None self.archiver = archiver def __repr__(self): return '%s instance'%self.__class__ # make sure we get a stable stringification of the instance stored in the native.compilers option
[docs]class UnixCompiler(Compiler): """ A compiler using standard Unix compiler arguments/syntax """ def __init__(self, command, outputHandler=None, environs=None): """ command: The path to the compiler outputHandler: a ProcessOutputHandler to parse the output of the compiler """ Compiler.__init__(self, environs=environs) self.compiler_command = command self.compiler_handler = outputHandler or ProcessOutputHandler def compile(self, context, output, src, options, flags=None, includes=None): args=[ self.compiler_command, '-c', '-o', os.path.basename(output)] args.extend(['-I%s' % _checkDirExists(x, 'Cannot find include directory ``%s"') for x in (includes or [])]) args.extend(flags or []) args.extend(src), args, outputHandler=self.compiler_handler, cwd=os.path.dirname(output), options=options)
defineOption('', None)
[docs]class UnixLinker(Linker): """ A linker using standard Unix linker arguments/syntax """ def __init__(self, command, outputHandler=None, environs=None): """ command: The path to the linker outputHandler: a ProcessOutputHandler to parse the output of the linker """ Linker.__init__(self, environs=environs) self.linker_command = command self.linker_handler = outputHandler or ProcessOutputHandler def link(self, context, output, src, options, shared=False, flags=None, libs=None, libdirs=None): args=[ self.linker_command, '-o', os.path.basename(output)] if shared: args.append('-shared') args.extend(flags) for x in src: if x.endswith('.a') and options['']: (pref, suff) = options[''] args.extend([pref, x, suff]) else: args.append(x) args.extend(['-L%s' % _checkDirExists(x, 'Cannot find lib directory ``%s"') for x in (libdirs or [])]) args.extend(['-l%s' % x for x in (libs or [])]) environs = self.getExpandedEnvirons(context) environs['LD_LIBRARY_PATH']=os.pathsep.join(libdirs+[environs.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')]), args, outputHandler=self.linker_handler, cwd=os.path.dirname(output), environs=environs, options=options)
[docs]class UnixArchiver(Archiver): """ A archiver using standard Unix archiver arguments/syntax """ def __init__(self, command, outputHandler=None, environs=None): """ command: The path to the archiver outputHandler: a ProcessOutputHandler to parse the output of the archiver """ Archiver.__init__(self, environs=environs) self.ar_command = command class ArHandler(ProcessOutputHandler): def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): ProcessOutputHandler.__init__(self, name, treatStdErrAsErrors=False, **kwargs) self.ar_handler = outputHandler or ArHandler def archive(self, context, output, src, options): args=[ self.ar_command, '-r', os.path.basename(output)] args.extend(src), args, outputHandler=self.ar_handler, cwd=os.path.dirname(output), options=options)
[docs]class GccProcessOutputHandler(ProcessOutputHandler): """ A ProcessOutputHandler than can parse the output of GCC tools """ #def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): # ProcessOutputHandler.__init__(self, name, **kwargs) def _decideLogLevel(self, line, isstderr): # stderr seems to include all the warnings, notes and other stuff, so can't really use it for error detection if'error[\s]*([A-Z]+\d+)?:', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) or (': undefined reference to ' in line): return logging.ERROR # ignore the contextual lines at the start of errors e.g. ": In function..." if (isstderr and not ': In' in line and not line.startswith('In file') and not ': note:' in line) or'warning[\s]*([A-Z]+\d+)?:', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): return logging.WARNING return logging.INFO # default log level def _parseLocationFromLine(self, line): filename = None lineno = None try: filename = re.sub("(.*):([0-9]+): .*", r"\1", line) lineno = re.sub("(.*):([0-9]+): .*", r"\2", line) except Exception: pass return filename, lineno, None, line def handleEnd(self, returnCode=None): # linker failures often have no errors but a really useful message in the first warning, so include that in the error message if returnCode and self.getWarnings() and not self.getErrors(): raise BuildException('%s failed with return code %s (first warning: %s)'%(self._name, returnCode, self.getWarnings()[0])) ProcessOutputHandler.handleEnd(self, returnCode=returnCode)
[docs]class GCC(ToolChain, UnixCompiler, UnixLinker, Depends): """ A tool chain based on the GNU Compiler Collection """ def __init__(self, environs=None): ToolChain.__init__(self, self, UnixCompiler('gcc', GccProcessOutputHandler, environs=environs), self, self, UnixArchiver('ar', environs=environs) ) UnixCompiler.__init__(self, 'g++', GccProcessOutputHandler, environs=environs) UnixLinker.__init__(self, 'g++', GccProcessOutputHandler, environs=environs) Depends.__init__(self, environs=environs) self.depends_command = self.compiler_command def depends(self, context, src, options, flags=None, includes=None): args=[ self.depends_command, '-M', # output make dependency rules '-MG', # allow missing header files '-c' ] if options['native.include.upToDateCheckIgnoreSystemHeaders']: args.append('-MM') if includes: args.extend(['-I%s' % x for x in includes]) args.extend(flags or []) args.extend(src) deplist = [] class GccDependsHandler(ProcessOutputHandler): def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): ProcessOutputHandler.__init__(self, name, **kwargs) self.fatalerrors = [] def handleLine(self, line, isstderr=False): if ': error ' in line: self.fatalerrors.append(line.rstrip()) if not isstderr and line.startswith(' '): # sometimes there are multiple items on a single line, space delimited # if there are spaces in the path itself they are escaped as "\ " deplist.extend([x.replace('<space>',' ') for x in line.strip('\\').strip().replace('\\ ','<space>').split(' ')]) def handleEnd(self, returnCode=None): if returnCode and not self.getErrors() and self.fatalerrors: # special-case to give a more useful error message tha just the exit code if a dependency is missing raise BuildException('Native dependency checking failed: %s'%(self.fatalerrors[0])) return super(GccDependsHandler, self).handleEnd(returnCode=returnCode) try:, args, outputHandler=GccDependsHandler, options=options) except Exception as e: # occasionally we see SIGABRT (=6) for no reason (e.g. on ARM), so do a retry if 'return code -6' not in str(e): raise _logger.warn('g++ dependency checking failed, may be transient so will retry: %s', e) time.sleep(15) del deplist[:], args, outputHandler=GccDependsHandler, options=options) return deplist
[docs]class VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler(ProcessOutputHandler): """ A ProcessOutputHandler that can parse the output of Visual Studio tools """ def _decideLogLevel(self, line, isstderr): if isstderr or'error[\s]*([A-Z]+\d+)?:', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): level = logging.ERROR transientRegex = self.options.get('visualstudio.transientErrorRegex',None) if transientRegex and re.match(transientRegex, line): self._transientError = line return logging.WARNING # avoid reporting an error unless the target actually fails if 'fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error' in line and self.getErrors(): level = logging.INFO # this is the same error not a new one elif'warning[\s]*([A-Z]\d+)?:', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): level = logging.WARNING else: level = logging.INFO # default log level # heuristic to make context printed after the error/warn message # available in error messages; might be worth revamping this to # put entire error into one line if getattr(self, '_previousLogLevel', None) in [logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING] and 'note: see' in line: self._appendToMessage = ' - caused previous error/warning - %s'%(self._previousLogLine) return self._previousLogLevel self._previousLogLevel = level self._previousLogLine = line self._appendToMessage = None return level def _preprocessLine(self, line): if getattr(self, '_appendToMessage', None): return line+self._appendToMessage return line def _parseLocationFromLine(self, line): filename = None lineno = None colno = None try: # expecting format #<location>: <category> <number>: <description> # where location = <string> or <path>(line) or <path>(line-line) or <path>(line,col) or <path>(line,col-col) # TODO: add colno support m = re.match(r'(([a-zA-Z]:)?[^:]+)[(]([0-9]+)[^:]*:(.*)', line) if m: filename ='/','\\') lineno = line = + ' - at '+line[:line.find(].strip().strip(':').strip() else: m = re.match(r'([^(]+)[(]([0-9]+)[^:]*:(.*)', line) except Exception: pass return filename, lineno, colno, line
def __testVisualStudioOutputHandler(): # tricky to do with doctesting due to escaping issues h = VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler('cl.exe') x = h._parseLocationFromLine(r'c:\foo\bar(123): error C456: descr') assert x == (r'c:\foo\bar', '123', None, r'error C456: descr - at c:\foo\bar(123)'), x x = h._parseLocationFromLine(r'D:\foo\bar(123,45-67): warning C456: descr') assert x == (r'D:\foo\bar', '123', None, r'warning C456: descr - at D:\foo\bar(123,45-67)'), x x = h._parseLocationFromLine(r'\\unc\foo\bar(123,45-67): warning C456: descr') assert x == (r'\\unc\foo\bar', '123', None, r'warning C456: descr - at \\unc\foo\bar(123,45-67)'), x x = h._parseLocationFromLine(r'c:\program files (x86)\foo\bar(123,45-67): warning C456: descr') assert x == (r'c:\program files (x86)\foo\bar', '123', None, r'warning C456: descr - at c:\program files (x86)\foo\bar(123,45-67)'), x __testVisualStudioOutputHandler() defineOption('visualstudio.liboutput', None) defineOption('visualstudio.pdboutput', None) # errors matching this will not be logged as an ERROR the first time they occur and will result in a retry defineOption('visualstudio.transientErrorRegex', '.*(Permission denied|Access denied).*') defineOption('visualstudio.transientErrorRetrySecs', 40) defineOption('visualstudio.outputHandlerFactory', VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler) """Allows overriding the output handler used by Visual Studio for compiler output such as errors and warnings. """
[docs]class VisualStudio(Compiler, Linker, Depends, Archiver, ToolChain): """ A ToolChain representing using Visual Studio compilers et al """ def __init__(self, vsbin): self.vsbin = vsbin ToolChain.__init__(self, self, self, self, self, self) Linker.__init__(self) Depends.__init__(self) Compiler.__init__(self) Archiver.__init__(self) def call(self, *args, **kwargs): try: super(VisualStudio, self).call(*args, **kwargs) except BuildException as e: options = kwargs.get('options',{}) transientRegex = options.get('visualstudio.transientErrorRegex', None) if not (transientRegex and re.match(transientRegex, str(e))): raise e # seen occasionally. may be due to POSIX and Win32 API file operations # remaining out of sync for a short time after a file is written on windows # nb: it would be nice to find a way to prevent the already-logged error # from making it look like there's a build failure in the case where # this retry succeeds _logger.warn('Build step failed, may be transient so will retry: %s', e) time.sleep(options.get('visualstudio.transientErrorRetrySecs', 10)) super(VisualStudio, self).call(*args, **kwargs) def compile(self, context, output, src, options, flags=None, includes=None): args=[ r"%s\cl.exe" % self.vsbin, '-c', '/Fo'+os.path.basename(output)] args.extend(['-I%s' % _checkDirExists(x.replace('/','\\'), 'Cannot find include directory ``%s"') for x in (includes or [])]) args.extend(flags or []) args.extend(src), args, outputHandler=options.get('visualstudio.outputHandlerFactory', None) or VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler, cwd=os.path.dirname(output), environs={'PATH':os.pathsep.join(options['native.cxx.path'])}, options=options) def link(self, context, output, src, options, shared=False, flags=None, libs=None, libdirs=None): args=[r"%s\link.exe" % self.vsbin] if shared: args.append('/DLL') args.append('/INCREMENTAL:NO') if options['visualstudio.liboutput']: args.append('/OUT:'+output) args.append('/IMPLIB:'+options['visualstudio.liboutput']) else: args.append('/OUT:'+os.path.basename(output)) if options['visualstudio.pdboutput']: args.append('/PDB:'+options['visualstudio.pdboutput']) args.extend(flags) args.extend(['/LIBPATH:%s' % _checkDirExists(x.replace('/','\\'), 'Cannot find lib directory ``%s"') for x in (libdirs or [])]) args.extend(['%s.lib' % x for x in (libs or [])]) args.extend(src), args, outputHandler=options.get('visualstudio.outputHandlerFactory', None) or VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler, cwd=os.path.dirname(output), environs={'PATH':os.pathsep.join(options['native.cxx.path'])}, options=options) def archive(self, context, output, src, options): args=[r"%s\lib.exe" % self.vsbin, '/OUT:'+os.path.basename(output), '/nologo'] args.extend(src), args, outputHandler=options.get('visualstudio.outputHandlerFactory', None) or VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler, cwd=os.path.dirname(output), environs={'PATH':os.pathsep.join(options['native.cxx.path'])}, options=options) def depends(self, context, src, options, flags=None, includes=None): # Note that cl.exe /showIncludes is fairly slow args=[ r"%s\cl.exe" % self.vsbin, '/Zs', '/showIncludes', '-c'] # native.include.upToDateCheckIgnoreSystemHeaders can't be implemented as no option equivalent to -MM for cl.exe args.extend(['-I%s' % _checkDirExists(x.replace('/','\\'), 'Cannot find include directory ``%s"') for x in (includes or [])]) args.extend(flags or []) args.extend(src) deplist = list(src) fatalerrors = [] class VSDependsHandler(VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler): def handleLine(self, line, isstderr=False): data = line if 'fatal error' in data: fatalerrors.append(data.strip()) if 'Cannot open include file:' in data: data = re.sub(".*Cannot open include file: '([^']*)':.*", r'\1', data).strip() if data: deplist.append(data) elif 'Note: including file:' in data: data = re.sub(".*Note: including file:", '', data).strip() if data: deplist.append(data) else: VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler.handleLine(self, line, isstderr=isstderr) def _decideLogLevel(self, line, isstderr): l = VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler._decideLogLevel(self, line, isstderr) if l < logging.ERROR: l = logging.DEBUG # don't care about compiler warnings etc at dep generation time return l def handleEnd(self, returnCode=None): if returnCode and not self.getErrors() and fatalerrors: # special-case to give a more useful error message tha just the exit code if a dependency is missing raise BuildException('Native dependency checking failed: %s'%(fatalerrors[0])) return super(VSDependsHandler, self).handleEnd(returnCode=returnCode), args, outputHandler=VSDependsHandler, options=options) return deplist