Change Log


Breaking changes

Removed support for Python 3.6, now the minimum version is Python 3.7+.

Minor breaking changes in this release:

  • Target paths can no longer contain filename characters which are prohibited on Windows such as <>:"|?*. This applies on all operating systems.

  • The special name full is now used instead of all to indicate the default set of targets (minus any excluded using disableInFullBuild). On the command line it is still permitted to specify all for compatibility purposes but it is recommended to switch to full when possible.

  • Fixed xpybuild.propertysupport.ExtensionBasedFileEncodingDecider to match extensions case insensitively.


  • Added support for Python 3.10.

  • Added a --search / -s command line option for locating targets/tags/properties/options. The search string can be a substring match or a regular expression. This is a very convenient way to find out where in the build something is defined. It is recommended to use this instead of the less powerful --target-info and --find-target options in previous xpybuild releases.

  • Added a new FindPaths option pathsets.FindPaths.Options.globalExcludesFunction which can be used to globally exclude certain file patterns throughout the build. By default this excludes files matching .nfs* (i.e. temporary NFS files).

  • Added more powerful “conditions” to propertysupport.definePropertiesFromFile, allowing for complex Python expressions that check multiple conditions and properties to be used for dynamically selecting which lines are read from .properties files.

  • Added basetarget.BaseTarget.Options.failureRetries option for easily retrying (with backoff) targets which can fail transiently, e.g. due to flaky servers or interactions with anti-virus software that are outside your control. Like any option, this can be set either per-target or globally (perhaps through a property) to increase the reliability of automated build jobs.

  • Added buildcommon.registerBuildLoadPostProcessor to allow adding tags and options across all targets matching a user defined criteria (e.g. targets of a particular Python class or containing a substring) just after all build files have been loaded.

  • propertysupport.defineOption now returns a propertysupport.Option instance which provides a convenient way to document your target options. See basetarget.BaseTarget.Options for an example of how this looks.

  • The log lines for each target are now buffered so they can be displayed consecutively in the .log file (just as they already are on stdout) in a multi-threaded build. Note that this does not include the initial `*** Building targetname` line (which is emitted as soon as the target begins, to help with debugging hanging builds) but does include the final `***` line that indicates whether the target was successful, as well as all intermediate log lines.

  • Property definition methods such as propertysupport.definePathProperty now return the (resolved) property value, to avoid the need to call getPropertyValue when the value is directly needed in the build file.

  • Added a commands= argument to xpybuild.targets.custom.CustomCommand (and xpybuild.targets.custom.CustomCommandWithCopy) which allows an output directory to be created by executing a sequence of multiple commands rather than needing separate targets for each command.

  • Improved log messages when xpybuild.targets.custom.CustomCommand fails, to provide more information about the output of the failed process.

  • Added common archive formats such as .zip and .jar to the default xpybuild.propertysupport.ExtensionBasedFileEncodingDecider.


  • Fixed a possible AssertionError race condition when executing a --rebuild with targets whose path changes between the clean and build phases (for example, due to containing a timestamp or random number).

  • Fixed the option to do the correct thing (was previously setting -source not -target (GH-6).

NB: There was a re-release of 4.0 on 2022-01-27 shortly after the initial release to fix a couple of minor issues.


Breaking changes


The following deprecated items are likely to be removed soon, so action is required if you’re using them:

See also the module re-organization listed under breaking changes; all xpybuild modules and classes should now be accessed via their new names, typically starting xpybuild.` (e.g. ``xpybuild.targets.copy etc).

The following have also been deprecated:

  • The isWindows() function is deprecated in favour of the xpybuild.buildcommon.IS_WINDOWS constant (which is faster).

  • BuildContext.mergeOptions() is deprecated in favour of xpybuild.basetarget.BaseTarget.options, or (for situations where there is no target such as PathSets) xpybuild.buildcontext.BuildContext.getGlobalOption().


  • Fixed a couple of bugs in incremental C++ compilation - one that could cause unnecessary incremental compilation of targets that depend on generated C/C++ source or include files, and another in which the build would fail rather than re-running makedepends if some of the cached dependencies no longer exist.


  • Command line now accepts a new option --rebuild-ignore-deps or --rid which is equivalent to --rebuild --ignore-deps and produces a quick way to force a rebuild of a few targets/tags without any of their dependencies getting rebuilt.

  • xpybuild.targets.copy.FilteredCopy, xpybuild.targets.writefile.WriteFile: Added option common.fileEncodingDecider which is used by FilteredCopy and WriteFile to decide what encoding to use for reading/writing text files. The default is an xpybuild.propertysupport.ExtensionBasedFileEncodingDecider instance which specifies UTF-8 for yaml/json/xml files, binary for some common binary types such as images, and ‘ascii’ for everything else - which means an exception will be thrown if any files containing characters outside the 7-bit ASCII range are present. Alternative encodings such as utf-8 can be specified for a given file extension, globally or on a per-target basis.

  • xpybuild.targets.writefile.WriteFile: added encoding= option to WriteFile (common.fileEncodingDecider option is used if not specified).

  • xpybuild.targets.writefile.WriteFile: added support for writing binary bytes.

  • xpybuild.basetarget.BaseTarget: Added BaseTarget.openFile which should be used for opening files (especially text files) from targets. It automatically picks the correct encoding to use for text files using the common.fileEncodingDecider option. This uses the openForWrite method which can now be used to write unicode strings in text mode, not only binary bytes. The available options are now pretty similar to what supports, and openForWrite should be used instead of to avoid possible file system races on Windows.

  • basetarget.BaseTarget.addImplicitInput: added ability to pass a callable that returns a list of items, so there’s no longer anything that only getHashableImplicitInputs() can do.

  • BaseTarget.addImplicitInputOption: added ability to pass a lambda that dynamically selects which of the defined options to include, for example based on prefix matching.

  • xpybuild.targets.custom.CustomCommand: now supports customized handling of process output and return code using the new CustomCommand.outputHandlerFactory option.

  • Added utils.stringutils.compareVersions method for comparing dotted version strings.


Breaking changes

  • Native C/C++ targets now treat include directories as dependencies, which means that the set of targets they depend on can (and must) be known before the build begins (i.e. without running makedepend). All include directories must now either be statically available before the build starts, or themselves be a directory target. For advanced cases where you need to specify an include directory that is not itself a target but is made up of a set of file or directory targets, use TargetsWithinDir.

  • PathSet class no longer exists, replaced by a function of the same name that creates a new instance only if needed. If you have code that subclasses PathSet change it to subclass BasePathSet.

  • BasePathSet._resolveUnderlyingDepenencies() now returns a generator of (path, pathset) instead of a list of [path]. This only affects users with a custom subclass of BasePathSet with an override of this method (and does not affect you if you used DerivedPathSet).

  • Target priority can no longer be set to a negative number; 0.0 is the minimum.

  • The native C target was previously using the C++ (native.cxx.flags) compiler options during dependency generation ratehr than native.c.flags; this is now fixed but it may be necessary to add additional flags explicitly if you have C targets that are relying on them.

  • The build now runs in parallel by default (equivalent to -J); if you need single-threaded execution, use the command line parameter -j1.


  • Support for specifying C/C++ include directories without a trailing slash (as is normal in xpybuild) is now discouraged and may be removed in a future release.


  • Native C/C++ compilation dependency checking has been rewritten to fix a number of correctness and performance problems in both full and incremental builds, especially around handling of include directories and source files generated by another target.

  • Jar: manifest creation (create_manifest) was in some cases generating invalid files if whitespace in values happened to be near the newline position. This is corrected, leading/trailing whitespace is stripped from keys and values automatically, non-ASCII (I18N) characters are correctly encoded to UTF-8, and (for simplicity) \n newlines are now used regardless of the local OS default.

  • Javac: to avoid unwanted failures, stdout outpuot is no logner used for warnings/errors, and also when the return code is 0 (success) any stderr output is treated as warnings not errors regardless of its content. Does not affect javac.warningsAsErrors is implemented by javac itself.


  • Pathsets: A new pathset called xpybuild.pathsets.TargetsWithinDir has been added. This is similar to xpybuild.pathsets.TargetsWithTag but uses just a parent directory name to locate associated targets, and can be used as a parameter to FindPaths if you need to copy files generated by all targets under the specified directory.

  • A new check has been added that will cause a build failure if any target is depending on a file (located under the output directory) that is generated by a directory target but without using DirGeneratedByTarget. This is a subtle but common cause of race conditions due to incorrect dependency information, and it should now be more obvious if such a problem exists.

  • basetarget: new utility methods have been added addHashableImplicitInputOption(‘optionkey’) and addHashableImplicitInput(‘foo=bar’) to make it easier for target classes to specify their implicit inputs without needing to implement getHashableImplicitInputs()

  • buildcontext: getExpandPropertyValues() now handles callable(context) inputs as well as other strings, allowing it to perform common resolutions needed in many different situations.

  • Command line: new (experimental) option –verify that can be used to run the build in a slower and stricter mode that will flag up potential build problems. This feature should be considered experimental in this release.

  • Javac: now respects the ProcessOutputHandler.regexIgnore option.

  • Copy: added Copy.symlinks option which can be used to enable copying of symlinks. To turn this on globally for your build, use setGlobalOption('Copy.symlinks', True).

  • FilteredCopy: added disablePropertyExpansion to AddFileHeader/AddFileFooter/RegexLineMapper

  • FilteredCopy: added FileContentsMapper.startFile(context, src, dest) API method that can be used to skip use of this mapper for certain files, and/or to insert content based on the source or destination path into the file.

  • FilteredCopy: added FileContentsMapper.prepare(context) API method that can be used to prepare fields based on the context to speed up the actual mapping.

  • Cpp/C native targets: added native.include.upToDateCheckIgnoreRegex and native.include.upToDateCheckIgnoreSystemHeaders options which can be used to speed up up-to-date checking by excluding large include directories that never change.

  • The build now runs in parallel by default (no need to use the -J option). Additionally, the default number of workers can now be specified in the build file, as an integer or float, e.g.:

    import multiprocessing
    setGlobalOption('build.workers', multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 0.75)

    The default value for this option is one worker per CPU. The maximum number of workers can be limited on a per-machine/user basis using the XPYBUILD_WORKERS_PER_CPU and/or XPYBUILD_MAX_WORKERS variables. The -j command line option can still be used to explicitly override the number of workers (taking precedence over all other settings), for example use -j1 for a single-threaded build.


Breaking changes

  • FindPaths/anGlob: Add constraint that **/*/ patterns are no longer permitted; this construct is not very useful in practice and supporting it would hurt performance considerably.




  • “Unknown option tmpdir” regression introduced 1.13 when calling mergeOptions(options=self.options) is now fixed; though it’s recommended to just use self.options and avoid mergeOptions now.

  • CustomCommand was only passing environment variables from the parent process/shell to the new process when env overrides were specified but not when an empty env dictionary was specified. Now these are passed in all cases.


  • Significant performance improvement to depending checking phase (fixing a regression introduced in 1.13, plus additional improvements), and to FindPaths and antGlob, especially when matching a large number of patterns within a single directory.

  • IS_WINDOWS: new constant, replaces the isWindows() function and is significantly faster to use.

  • fileutils.toLongPathSafe: new method which implements Windows logic for allowing paths longer than 256 characters to be operated on. This is similar to normLongPath but does not perform canonicalization/normalization so is a lot faster for cases where that is not required.

  • StringReplaceLineMapper now has an optional parameter disablePropertyExpansion which can be used to disable ${…} expansion

  • Improved usability of –profile option, which now generates textual output, aggregates across all threads, and includes profiling for the build file parsing phase

  • Improve dependency checking performance

  • Javadoc now has an option “javadoc.ignoreSourceFilesFromClasspath” which can be enabled to prevent .java files in classpath jars from being parsed (by setting an empty directory for the -sourcepath), which can lead to errors if classpath jars contain source that requires optional dependencies which are not present.

  • ProcessOutputHandler: new option regexIgnore can be set to a string which will be ignored by the output handler. This can be used to suppress unwanted logging, and to selectively ignore warning and error lines.

  • ProcessOutputHandler: new option ignoreReturnCode can be set to prevent a non-zero return code from being treated as an error.

  • ProcessOutputHandler: new option factory can be set to specify a function or class to be used instead of ProcessOutputHandler for output of a specific target, allowing detailed customization of behaviour. The new static function ProcessOutputHandler.create(…, options) should be used instead of the ProcessOutputHandler handler to ensure that this option is honoured if set.

  • javac/visualstudio/csharp/docker: all have a new outputHandlerFactory option which can be set to override the default ProcessOutputHandler subclass used for these targets, for example to customize handling of errors and warnings.

  • this method now accepts an options dictionary, which should be set wherever possible; this avoids callers having to deal with passing boilerplate defaults in to call manually.


Breaking changes

  • It is now an error to use a relative path in a PathSet that is instantiated after the end of the parsing phase (e.g. while building or dependency checking a target) or from a python “import” statement. This is because it is impossible to guarantee a correct location can be found and better to fail early and clearly than in a subtle way. Either ensure PathSets are instantiated as top-level items in build files referenced from an include(…) statement, or use an absolute path if this is not possible.

  • normLongPath now returns paths including a trailing slash if the input contains a trailing slash (indicating a directory), whereas before the trailing slash would be stripped off. The provides consistency with normpath.


  • Assigning to self.options (e.g. from a target’s constructor) is deprecated; it will continue to be permitted for now, but due to various edge cases this pattern is strongly discouraged. Best practice is to call .option(…) on the target after the constructor has returned to specify any target-specific options.

Breaking changes

  • The semantics of reading self.options from a target have changed in order to fix some edge cases and provide better usability. Previously reading self.options was permitted at any point in the build lifecycle but would usually return unresolved target-specific overrides and sometimes inconsistent results. Now reading self.options will return a dictionary containing fully resolved options in force for this target, including global option values and target-specific overrides. It is no longer permitted to read the self.options from a target’s constructor i.e. during the build initialization phase (as the resolved option values are not yet available); this will now produce an exception.


  • A target or tag that is disabled in the full build will now be included in the build if specified explicitly even when “all” is also specified in the same invocation of

  • Target options specified using .options(…) were being applied on a per-class basis, leading to the options set on the final target of a given class taking effect for all targets of that class. This is now fixed.


  • Options framework: a target-specific dictionary of resovled options is now available directly from basetarget.options so there is no longer any need to use buildcontext.mergeOptions. There is also a new method basetarget.getOption() for getting an option value with automatic checking for None/empty string values.

  • Cpp/C: Improve clarity of error messages from C/C++ dependency checking by including the source file in the message (if there is only one - which is the common case)

  • FilteredCopy: permit an empty list of mappers to make it easier to specify replacements that only apply to one platform (e.g. line endings), add best practice info in target doc and add allowUnusedMappers property for when all else fails

  • Improve build file location and exception handling: only attach build file location information to an exception if it is obtained during the parsing phase, and only from the include(…) file currently being processed, to avoid unuseful locations from common utility classes. Except for where an error results from an item with its own location such as a PathSet, set location to None and use the location of the target being built/dependency-checked. Allow including both location (e.g. from a pathset) and target name in an exception message if both are available.

  • Add ProcessOutputHandler.getLastOutputLine() method and use it to improve the default handleEnd() message if there is a non-zero error code but no errors or warnings

  • Include regualar progress messages during dependency resolution, and log a message when starting each build phase

  • Add PySys-based framework for proper automated testing of xpybuild

  • PathSets, Jar: previously use of “..” in destination paths was disallowed by AddDestPrefix and most other mappers, now it is permitted which allows use of AddDestPrefix to add parent-relative paths to the classpath in .jar manifests. Targets that use the destinations to write to the local file system are required to check for and disallow “..” to avoid accidentally writing to locations outside their specified target directory.

  • Add Download target for retrieving HTTP/FTP URLs

  • Add DockerBuild and DockerTagUpload targets for building docker images and pushing them to repositories

  • BaseTarget: add updateStampFile() method for targets which use an artificial output file to maintain up-to-dateness


This is the first official public release of xpybuild

Breaking changes

  • Zip: Changed Zip target to fail with an error if duplicate entries are added to the zip, previously the target would create a zip with duplicate entries which would cause problems for some tools

  • functors: Moved internal.functors to utils.functors

  • teamcity.publishArtifact: Deprecate teamcity.publishArtifact and replace with a general-purpose BuildContext.publishArtifact method that can be handled in a custom way by each output formatter

  • utils.loghandler.LogHandler: Remove utils.loghandler.LogHandler to utils.consoleformatter.ConsoleFormatter (also renamed all known subclasses)


  • teamcity._publishArtifact: replaced with a general-purpose BuildContext.publishArtifact method


  • Jar: Jar generation now always uses platform-neutral / separators instead of OS-specific slashes in files, which is required for Java to read them correctly

  • CustomCommand: Publish stdout/err as artifacts even if large; also fix logic for deciding whether command succeeded or failed


  • Jar: The jar.manifest.classpathAppend option now allows and ignores “None” items in the list

  • Cpp/C: Check for explicit dependencies before implicit dependencies, so we get error messages sooner

  • VisualStudioProcessOutputHandler: Added new options “visualstudio.transientErrorRegex” which allows certain errors (e.g. Access Denied) to be handled with a wait-and-retry rather than immediately failing

  • CSharp, SignJars, Javadoc, Cpp: Target options are now passed down to process output handlers to allow customizeable behaviour

  • CustomCommand: support full set of expansions including PathSets for environment variable values

  • CustomCommand: add CustomCommand.TARGET and DEPENDENCIES special values to avoid the need to duplicate information

  • All targets: Output handlers will include the first warning line in the target failure exception if there were no specified errors logged